Sunday, September 20, 2009

Culture Shock is REAL

I love it here but my personality seems not to really work into the culture here and it's starting to get pretty frustrating. The cultural difference are far greater than I expected and I find myself really limited, mostly when it comes to football. Women's football here is no where close to being as excepted as it is back home and they don't ever play co-ed. Not even in intramural games. It's so strange to me. I'm used to having to fight for respect on the field back home but I wasn't expecting to have to fight to play at an elevated level here. No offense but the women's tryout wasn't the best football I've seen. I have seen better co-ed B games back home while reffing and that's saying a lot.

Other than that I haven't quiet gotten used to looking right when crossing the street but it is getting a lot better and I have to say that I am doing better than my friends haha. I'm starting classes this week so the real test of differences in teaching will be found out. I have to buy a lab coat... which makes me a little sad because they are a bit dear (expensive) but I'm also really excited to have a lab coat haha. future halloween costume much?? I think so!

The EAP program treated us to the Edinburgh Castle and the Falkirk Wheel and lots of free food. The Falkirk Wheel is actually a giant boat elevator pretty cool.

I think the greatest part of my weeks right now is when I find something new. Like today I found a kebab place that makes a mean falafel that is only £2.80 with my student ID. That is amazing.

I may be going to Glasgow soon for a little shopping at a great discount store and to visit my friend Jeanine who came here to visit me. When she was in town we got Mexican food for fun and it ended up being pretty tasty. I enjoyed it very much! After we went to a fun pub and did some dancing and singing and looked hugely like a group of Americans... which honestly I really don't care anymore. All I care about is having fun!

Love you all and miss you all bunches and bunches.

Peace and Love


JESSICA said...

How does a boat elevator work ? and why does it need to be elevated is there a damn or water fall or something ?

JESSICA said...
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Liesbeth said...

the boat elevator connects two canals that at one time connected the coasts of scotland