Sunday, January 31, 2010

This last week

This is a haggis. Unlike what most Scottish people will tell you, a haggis is not a small animal that runs in the hills that has three legs. It's actually a traditional Scottish dish. January 25th is Burns' Night in Scotland. It is a night that celebrates the life and works of famous Scottish poet Robert Burns. Usually you have a Burns supper consisting of haggis, neeps (turnips) and tatties (mash potatoes), and most times a wee bit of whisky too. We were able to do all of the above. I made it my job to make the supper and that required me to go off to the butcher and get the haggis seen above. Oh it was most delicious. I just had to think really hard not to think about what I was handling.


–noun Chiefly Scot. a traditional pudding made of the heart, liver, etc., of a sheep or calf, minced with suet and oatmeal, seasoned, and boiled in the stomach of the animal.

The rest of the week went fairly normal. Went to class and learned some. The flat just got a new member. Her name is Samantha and she's from Vermont. She's just lovely and fits in very well with the rest of us. Every once in a while we just sit down each with our own cup of tea around the kitchen table and just have a chat. It's quite nice. We all went for a hike up Arthur's Seat on Saturday because it was just absolutely beautiful outside. The sun was so energizing. Sam is in the picture up on Arthur's Seat. She's also the girl to the right in the other picture. My friends Nick and Jack decided to redecorate their kitchen area in their flat and went for tie-dye which came out very very cool. Those boys are just creative like that. They make me pretty happy. haha. I have become very close with my flatmates and I'm going to miss them oh so very much when I leave. I finally have a set date that I'm coming back to CA. May 31st. It seems so far away but at the same time I feel like I have no time left here at all.

This term I'm taking two history classes that I'm really excited about. Modern Middle Eastern History and Scottish History since 1914. I'm learning so much in both classes. I am also getting a very unique brand of anti-American sentiment from my Australian professor in Modern Middle Eastern History. I sorta giggle when he refers to some of Carter's and Nixon's actions in Egypt with such disdain and distaste. It's a great way to learn and I mean that most sincerely.

That's all for now.

Peace and Love,