Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Summer Stuff

Update of the summer so far. Tomorrow is my last day of my first class of the summer and I start the new class starting next week. For some reason all my pictures uploaded in reverse chronological order and I just can't be bothered to fix it so I'll just put a little something under each. As far as my classes are concerned I've mastered solving 1st order differential equations using linear algebra. I never want to look at a 2x2 matrix and wonder what its eigenvalues and vectors are, unfortunately I have another six weeks of vector calculus coming up. I can't wait till fall so I can get back to chemistry. Suffering that I can appreciate.

July- My friend Evan, who goes to Cal, that I met in Scotland (he was studying in Glasgow and his girlfriend and I were friends in Edinburgh... small world), and I were exploring campus. We went to the forth floor of the library and were walking about and ran into an entire section of the library on Scotland. We were super stoked on it!

July- My friend JR(on the left), from Maryland (who I also met in Edinburgh) and my friend Ben, who goes to UCSB with me, spent about three days hanging out at Ben's flat. We bought a nice bottle of whisky (Macallan Cask Strength) to celebrate being together again. It was so awesome to see him again. I hope that it's not too long before we are able to share a dram together again.

July- I was fishing of the Goleta pier and I saw the King's Flag (one of Scotland's two flags) flying on this boat. I had the biggest smile on my face for the rest of the day.

July 4th- The top picture is an amazing homemade berry cake that my friend Laura made in her massive feast. She made a colonial themed feast with meat pies, roasted pigeons and rabbit, cherry pie, and more.

That's all for now.

Peace and Love,