Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Evergreen State


First full day in Issaquah with Grandpa and Sophie. I love this state and I am seriously thinking of coming up here and living at some time. A friend suggested grad school... maybe.

The plane ride up was fairly uneventful and for air travel I guess that's a good thing. I just had my headphones on and stared out the window. I think the only time I said anything was when I asked for a coffee and a cup of water. I really wasn't in the mood for small talk especially because it seems like I've been telling my plans over and over again for the last three weeks. It would have taken a very cute guy to encourage me to start a conversation and though the plane had several adorable and well behaved babies it was lacking in the cute guy department. I did make friends with the ice crystals that formed on the window though. I was tempted to try and name the really unique ones but I gave up.

There were absolutely no clouds until we got to SeaTac so I got to watch the land below the whole flight. It was really fun to try and figure out where we were. I followed the 5 for a while but then got lost. Lake Tahoe is really blue from the air. haha.

So far Issaquah has been lovely. It was unreasonably hot today for no apparent reason, perhaps the weather followed me. Tomorrow is suppose to be much cooler and we have a hike planned.

After much deliberation I have decided on a final suitcase arrangement. Grandpa is letting me borrow one of the fairly large Tumi roller suitcases. I swear the one I am using could fit a small child in it. Along with that I'm checking in my rugby duffel bag. I was having a real issue with the weight and fitting everything but just settled on stuffing my small library of books into a Doors shoulder canvas bag I have and carrying them onto the plane. Less weight and more room WOOT!

That's it for now. I will post again once I'm in Edinburgh. Love you all.

Peace and Love
Liesbeth 'LB'