Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy Holidays

I have been spending a lot of time trying to find new music. There is something so gratify finding a new song that just talks to you. It's really amazing. I've found a few new bands/singers across the genre spectrum that just are awesome. I know that my music taste can be... unique sometimes though. One of my favorite artists is a UK rap artist name Mike Skinner (aka The Streets). Randomness!

The music really helps though. Whatever mood I'm in can be changed or enhanced simply by putting on a song or two. "Music is the only thing that makes sense any more. Play it loud enough, it keeps the demons at bay." Great quote from the movie Across the Universe.

Because of the holidays Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, and all the Christmas classics are coming back into my play list. I also got this really great Celtic choir Christmas album which I'm enjoying. The picture you see is a peace sign I made on our wall out of Christmas lights and I thought was kinda how I have been feeling lately.

Finals are over after a grueling week and I am so happy. Unfortunately I am not getting a break from the stress because I am trying to finish up the application process for Scotland and it has been meeting after meeting with advisors, professors and the like and email after email just trying to get information to make everything work out. When all is said in done I will be able to relax ... well until next quarter starts.

Next quarter is going to be tough I am going to be taking 19 units. Mostly math and science classes and an art history class. I have learned a thing or two about my study habits this quarter though so I think I can do it and do well.

Other than the new music things around here are pretty plain and boring. My flatmate Tim is moving to Mammoth so I will have a new flatmate David when I move back for winter quarter. I have talked with him a few times he seems to be a good guy and he has three younger sisters so he knows how to live with girls haha.

I have read some really great books this quarter and have shifted my extra money spending lately from DVDs to used books online or from a bookstore downtown. It's almost as exciting as new music. Reading used books is so fun. Someone before you read this, read what you are reading and that underlined sentence meant something to them. And the date in the cover is when they felt what you are feeling while you are reading it now. Very exciting!

I hope every one has a great Christmas full of love and happiness. Listen to Happy Christmas by John Lennon just once and you get that happy bubbling feeling inside.

Peace and Love-


Anonymous said...

Great to hear you sound so upbeat, Liesbeth.
Wonderful sentiments you expressed about reading used books. Very cool.

POP said...

You might want to put the lights in a curtainless window while you listen to some Bing. Otherwise you'll have to pay for the peace sign you've burned into the wall. Se ya next week kiddo.

JESSICA said...

I have had lights up all week along the wall your fine! beautiful discoveries... Hope you are getting stronger... I feel lost in transition... perhaps you can infect me with your motivation.

Jamie said...

Hi Liesbeth, How are you? I love the lights. What is the name of the Celtic Christmas CD that you got? Sounds like something Brian would like. :)

Hope to see you guys soon.